19 Sep The Legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
– Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)
Dear Mrs. Ginsburg,
We loved you. And yes, we revered you.
We did it in a quiet way. We didn’t crowd. Instead, we created space. Safe space. Because that is what you created for us.
Every morning we arose confident that you were fighting the good fight. Our fight. And on our behalf. And who else among us had the guts and smarts to turn it into an inside game?
Your convictions: that women are discriminated against, and that discrimination violates our Constitution—are a balm this troubled world thirsts for.
- Thank you for arguing against spaces that openly exclude us. Those still abide, but there are fewer of them than before you set to work.
- Thank you for standing for marriage equality. Because of you, who we love is our own decision.
- Thank you for remanding our bodies to ourselves.
- Thank you for thinking for yourself, and for encouraging the rest of us to do the same. Why should any of us live in the shadows of the shames and fears that pitch us headlong into conformity?
- Thank you for reminding us that we are exactly as qualified as the males.
Blessings to you to all eternity for all of these mitzvahs, Mrs. Ginsburg.
Yours will be the slight but legendarily strong shoulders on which we stand as we continue to reach for a better world.
Baruch dayan ha’emet
(Blessed be the one true judge)
In loving memory,
~ The Board and Management Team of PBWC