19 Jul Welcome New PBWC Board Chair and President Katy Brown
Dear PBWC Community,
As the newly elected Board Chair and President of PBWC, I want to personally thank everyone who “attended” and supported this year’s IgniteCHANGE conference. We couldn’t have done this without our community, sponsors, partners, volunteers and all of the other terrific people who made it happen. So on behalf of the Board of Directors and the PBWC Team, thank you so much.
For my entire career I’ve been looking for ways to elevate women in the workplace, and it was during this last event that I truly felt I was a part of something bigger, something that was working to accomplish equity. The magnitude of PBWC’s IgniteCHANGE conference is a testament to the community we’ve built: it’s not a conference for the sake of idea sharing, it’s an epic meeting of empowered women coming together to empower other women. For instance, we got the privilege to hear Amanda Gorman slam her iconic poetry. We got to learn from Jessica Cox’s inspiring story of triumph. We got to listen to iconic feminist, Gloria Steinem and discussed actionable tips for navigating the work world in order to achieve our common goal of gender parity. For both our big dreams, and the little strategies we can use to reach them, this conference was transformative, and I look forward to working with all of you to keep this momentum going.
I feel so lucky to be a part of this diverse and inclusive community of more than 42,000 professionals from hundreds of industries worldwide, and I can feel the power of our collective energy. United, we can and will expand this community even further, so that even more women can feel motivated to be, and advocate for, themselves at work. When we advocate for ourselves, we can realize our vision of 50/50 gender representation.
All the best,
Katy Brown