Susan McPherson, author of The Lost Art of Connecting, is a renowned connector and an expert on helping you become the same. Her Gather, Ask, Do method of finding, making, and keeping meaningful connections with people is built to be simple, repeatable, and customizable to be authentic to you.
As we move from latest surge to loosening restrictions, what is the new landscape for connecting? What doesn’t (and will never) change? And what are some new realities to take into account as we approach a post-pandemic era? How do you accommodate for and balance people’s different levels of comfort, concern, and desire for closeness…including your own? This webinar will help you regain a sense of possibility, optimism, and serendipity in connecting with others.
This webinar will be recorded and shared with registrants.
One week after the webinar, join us over Zoom–and lunch–to discuss PBWC’s webinar content, favorite takeaways, and how we can apply our newly-discovered tools to our professional and personal lives. Attendees who register for this webinar will be invited to an April 19th lunchtime discussion when we share the recording via email. Please reach out to with any questions.