Your Career Runway: Three Strategic Leadership Differentiators You Need to Embrace Today - Professional BusinessWomen of California

Your Career Runway: Three Strategic Leadership Differentiators You Need to Embrace Today

May 14, 2018


Join us for PBWC’s May 14, 2018 Webinar: Your Career Runway: Three Strategic Leadership Differentiators You Need to Embrace Today with Jo Ilfeld


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The relentless pace of change virtually every industry is wrestling with continues to accelerate. That’s what’s worrying your leaders. But the question for you is: What are you doing today to make sure you are developing into the leader who can play a vital role in your company’s future success? Dr. Jo Ilfeld, CEO of Incite to Leadership, will share the 3 crucial shifts it really takes to be the go-to rock star in your organization now and prepare yourself to keep moving up in in the future.
